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Label: N/A Description: Conservation Easement
Easement restricting a landowner to land uses that that are compatible with long-term conservation and environmental values.
Label: N/A Description: South Campus Planning Area
An area south of the Brigham Young University campus anticipated to redevelop for student-oriented housing and amenities.
Unique Value Renderer: Field 1: GEN_PLAN_CODE Field 2: N/A Field 3: N/A Field Delimiter: , Default Symbol:
Default Label: N/A UniqueValueInfos:
Value: D Label: Downtown District Description: Downtown Planning Area
Established to create future zoning amendments in sub-areas of Transitional Urban, General Urban, Urban Center and West Downtown Gateway. Focus
is not only on land-use, but also appropriate design standards providing more predictability for the design of individual buildings and for adequate transitions into neighborhoods. Symbol:
Value: M Label: Mixed Use Description: Mixed Use Development
Mix of residential and commercial development to be centered around future determined neighborhood centers. Emphasis on enhancing the pedestrian scale and relationship to the planned environment through form and design standards. Enhancing alternative transit modes such as local bus service, pedestrian, bicycle and bike and car-sharing facilities. Symbol:
Value: TOD Label: Transit Oriented Development Description: Transit-Oriented Development
Higher density residential and commercial development in conjunction with Commuter Rail (2012) and Bus Rapid Transit (TBD) reducing the need for parking and auto ownership. Urban design with emphasis on enhancing the pedestrian scale. Enhancing transit ridership through carefully sited retail locations, civic and open spaces, and density.
Value: C Label: Commercial Description: Commercial
General commercial development areas apart from the Central Business District. It is open to a wide variety of commerical types: neighborhood, community and regional shopping centers, manufacturing parks, automotive centers, professional offices, research laboratories, commercial warehousing, light manufacturing, etc. Symbol:
Value: R Label: Residential Description: Residential
These areas are recommended for residential uses ranging from one family residential to very high density multi-family residential uses. Residential and apartment Project Redevelopment Option zones allow for flexible, well-
planned and architecturally-appealing redevelopment. Specific Development
Plans are a similar option for master planning relatively open land. Symbol:
Value: A Label: Agricultural Description: Agricultural
Established to provide areas in which agricultural pursuits can be encouraged and supported within the municipality. This designation is intended to protect agricultural uses from encroachment of other development until such time as residential, commercial, or industrial uses in such areas become necessary and desirable. Symbol:
Value: PF Label: Public Facilities Description: Public Facilities
Areas for the establishment of facilities which, under public franchise, ownership, or private enterprises operating for the public convenience and necessity, provide public services such as electricity, gas, communication, transportation, water, sewage treatment, education, religious activities and other public assembly, cultural facilities, parks, recreation, etc. Symbol:
Value: I Label: Industrial Description: Industrial
Established to provide areas in the City where light and heavy manufacturing firms and planned industrial-commerical parks can engage in processing, assembling, manufacturing, warehousing, research laboratories, commercial uses, professional offices and storage; and for incidental service facilities and public facilities to serve these uses. Symbol:
Value: AP Label: Airport Related Activities Description: Airport Related Activities
The area surrounding the Provo City Airport is established to support airport-
related commercial and industrial growth requiring close proximity to the airport and its facilities. Airport related activities may include planned industrial-commercial parks and manufacturing as well as future zones specifically tailored for it. Symbol:
Value: AR Label: Airport Related Activities Description: Airport Related Activities
The area surrounding the Provo City Airport is established to support airport-
related commercial and industrial growth requiring close proximity to the airport and its facilities. Airport related activities may include planned industrial-commercial parks and manufacturing as well as future zones specifically tailored for it. Symbol: