Unique Value Renderer: Field 1: DESIGNATION_ACRONYM Field 2: N/A Field 3: N/A Field Delimiter: , Default Symbol:
Default Label: N/A UniqueValueInfos:
Value: TDR-S Label: TDR-S Description: Transferable Development Rights Overlay Zone - Sending Sites (Chapter 14.33B): Discourages development in sensitive and natural hazard areas and allows owners of sensitive lands development rights in other areas of the City. Symbol:
Value: TDR-R Label: TDR-R Description: Transferable Development Rights Overlay Zone - Receiving Sites (Chapter 14.33B): Discourages development in sensitive and natural hazard areas and allows owners of sensitive lands development rights in other areas of the City. Symbol:
Label: N/A Description: Critical Hillside Overlay Zone (Chapter 14.33A): Established to provide development standards to protect the sensitive hillside areas of the east bench. It imposes additional or prevailing requirements to those of the underlying zone.
Label: N/A Description: SOB - Sexually-Oriented Business Overlay Zone (Chapter 14.48): Establishes an overlay zone that governs the location of sexually-oriented businesses
in order to avoid adverse secondary effects which may result from the operation of such businesses.
Value: DT1 Label: DT1 Description: General Downtown (Chapter 14.21A): established to provide a pedestrian friendly, mixed-use environment that is complimentary to the more intensive Downtown Core (DT2) zone while providing an appropriate scaled development between adjacent zones. Symbol:
Value: DT2 Label: DT2 Description: Downtown Core (Chapter 14.21B): provides a pedestrian-
friendly, regional urban core located around key transportation corridors. Clearly identifiable as the center of the city by having the largest scale of building height and mass and a higher density of mixed uses. Symbol:
Value: GW Label: GW Description: Downtown Gateway (GW): accommodates restaurants, hotels and a variety of retail uses to accommodate visitors as well as local residents. Design guidelines are are established for this zone to create a distinct sense of place. This zone is not intended for large scale retail. Symbol:
Value: WG Label: WG Description: West Gateway Zone (Chapter 14.21D): intended to accommodate large or small-scale restaurants, hotels and retail uses to service visitors and residents. The design criteria for the West Gateway is not as stringent as the Gateway zone to the east.
Value: FC1 Label: FC1 Description: Freeway Commercial One Zone (Chapter 14.20A): FC1 provides a district in which the primary use of the
land is for commercial and service uses to serve regional population needs and to provide a place of employment in pleasant surroundings along the Interstate. Symbol:
Value: FC2 Label: FC2 Description: Freeway Commercial Two Zone (Chapter 14.20B): The FC2 zone provides a transition between the FC area and the gateway into downtown. The primary use for the land is for commercial and service uses to serve regional and local needs
Value: FC3 Label: FC3 Description: Freeway Commercial Three Zone (Chapter 14.20C): The FC3 zone facilitates the max commercial opportunity adjacent to an interchange. The primary use is for commercial & service uses to serve regional and local populations. It should not compete with downtown.
Value: A11 Label: A11 Description: Agricultural Zone (Chapter 14.08): Principal uses include agricultural pursuits, unrestricted animal rights, and one family detached dwellings. Minimum lot size varies according to sub-zone: A1.1 ~ 1 Acre
Value: A15 Label: A15 Description: Agricultural Zone (Chapter 14.08): Principal uses include agricultural pursuits, unrestricted animal rights, and one family detached dwellings. Minimum lot size varies according to sub-zone: A1.5 ~ 5 Acres
Value: A110 Label: A110 Description: Agricultural Zone (Chapter 14.08): Principal uses include agricultural pursuits, unrestricted animal rights, and one family detached dwellings. Minimum lot size varies according to sub-zone: A1.10 ~ 10 Acres Symbol:
Value: A120 Label: A120 Description: Agricultural Zone (Chapter 14.08): Principal uses include agricultural pursuits, unrestricted animal rights, and one family detached dwellings. Minimum lot size varies according to sub-zone: A1.20 ~ 20 Acres
Value: A140 Label: A140 Description: Agricultural Zone (Chapter 14.08): Principal uses include agricultural pursuits, unrestricted animal rights, and one family detached dwellings. Minimum lot size varies according to sub-zone: A1.40 ~ 40 Acres
Value: RA Label: RA Description: Residential Agricultural Zone (Chapter 14.09): A zone to harmoniously integrate residential uses with incidental agricultural pursuits. Principal uses include one family detached dwellings with limited animal rights. Minimum lot size is one-half acre. Symbol:
Value: RAPD Label: RA Description: Residential Agricultural Zone (Chapter 14.09): A zone to harmoniously integrate residential uses with incidental agricultural pursuits. Principal uses include one family detached dwellings with limited animal rights. Minimum lot size is one-half acre. Symbol:
Value: R110 Label: R110 Description: One Family Residential (Chapter 14.10): Principal
uses are one family detached dwellings with car-
ports/garages, on individual lots or attached one family dwellings in a planned open space dev. Min lot size: R1.10 10,000 sq. ft.; 90 ft. width
Value: R110PD Label: R110 Description: One Family Residential (Chapter 14.10): Principal
uses are one family detached dwellings with car-
ports/garages, on individual lots or attached one family dwellings in a planned open space dev. Min lot size: R1.10 10,000 sq. ft.; 90 ft. width
Value: R120 Label: R120 Description: One Family Residential (Chapter 14.10): Principal
uses are one family detached dwellings with car-
ports/garages, on individual lots or attached one family dwellings in a planned open space dev. Min lot size: R1.20 20,000 sq. ft.; 100 ft. width Symbol:
Value: R120PD Label: R120 Description: One Family Residential (Chapter 14.10): Principal
uses are one family detached dwellings with car-
ports/garages, on individual lots or attached one family dwellings in a planned open space dev. Min lot size: R1.20 20,000 sq. ft.; 100 ft. width Symbol:
Value: R16 Label: R16 Description: One Family Residential (Chapter 14.10): Principal
uses are one family detached dwellings with car-
ports/garages, on individual lots or attached one family dwellings in a planned open space dev. Min lot size: R1.6 6,000 sq. ft.; 60 ft. width
Value: R16A Label: R16 Description: One Family Residential (Chapter 14.10): Principal
uses are one family detached dwellings with car-
ports/garages, on individual lots or attached one family dwellings in a planned open space dev. Min lot size: R1.6 6,000 sq. ft.; 60 ft. width
Value: R16A-PD Label: R16 Description: One Family Residential (Chapter 14.10): Principal
uses are one family detached dwellings with car-
ports/garages, on individual lots or attached one family dwellings in a planned open space dev. Min lot size: R1.6 6,000 sq. ft.; 60 ft. width
Value: R16PD Label: R16 Description: One Family Residential (Chapter 14.10): Principal
uses are one family detached dwellings with car-
ports/garages, on individual lots or attached one family dwellings in a planned open space dev. Min lot size: R1.6 6,000 sq. ft.; 60 ft. width
Value: R17 Label: R17 Description: One Family Residential (Chapter 14.10): Principal
uses are one family detached dwellings with car-
ports/garages, on individual lots or attached one family dwellings in a planned open space dev. Min lot size: R1.7 7,000 sq. ft.; 70 ft. width
Value: R18 Label: R18 Description: One Family Residential (Chapter 14.10): Principal
uses are one family detached dwellings with car-
ports/garages, on individual lots or attached one family dwellings in a planned open space dev. Min lot size: R1.8 8,000 sq. ft.; 80 ft. width Symbol:
Value: R18A Label: R18 Description: One Family Residential (Chapter 14.10): Principal
uses are one family detached dwellings with car-
ports/garages, on individual lots or attached one family dwellings in a planned open space dev. Min lot size: R1.8 8,000 sq. ft.; 80 ft. width Symbol:
Value: R18PD Label: R18 Description: One Family Residential (Chapter 14.10): Principal
uses are one family detached dwellings with car-
ports/garages, on individual lots or attached one family dwellings in a planned open space dev. Min lot size: R1.8 8,000 sq. ft.; 80 ft. width Symbol:
Value: R18S Label: R18 Description: One Family Residential (Chapter 14.10): Principal
uses are one family detached dwellings with car-
ports/garages, on individual lots or attached one family dwellings in a planned open space dev. Min lot size: R1.8 8,000 sq. ft.; 80 ft. width Symbol:
Value: R19 Label: R18 Description: One Family Residential (Chapter 14.10): Principal
uses are one family detached dwellings with car-
ports/garages, on individual lots or attached one family dwellings in a planned open space dev. Min lot size: R1.8 8,000 sq. ft.; 80 ft. width Symbol:
Value: R2 Label: R2 Description: Two Family Residential (Chapter 14.11): Principal permitted uses are one family detached dwellings on min. 6,000 sq. foot lots; attached one family dwellings in planned developments; and two family dwellings (duplexes) on 8,000 square foot lots. Symbol:
Value: R2PD Label: R2 Description: Two Family Residential (Chapter 14.11): Principal permitted uses are one family detached dwellings on min. 6,000 sq. foot lots; attached one family dwellings in planned developments; and two family dwellings (duplexes) on 8,000 square foot lots. Symbol:
Value: VLDR Label: VLDR Description: Very Low Density Residential Zone (Chapter 14.14F):
Provides a residential environment characterized by attractively landscaped one-family (detached or attached) and two-family residential lots and structures with a density less than the LDR zone. Symbol:
Value: LDR Label: LDR Description: Low Density Residential Zone (Chapter 14.14A): Established to provide a higher density residential environment with attractively landscaped one-family or two-family structures compatible with the character of one-family (R1) residential housing.
Value: MDR Label: MDR Description: Medium Density Residential Zone (Chapter 14.14B): Provides a suitable environment for medium density residential uses located in or near the central area of the City and in areas where there is a demand for multiple dwelling units as indicated in the General Plan.
Value: HDR Label: HDR Description: High Density Residential Zone (Chapter 14.14C): A zone established to provide a high-density multiple
residential character in areas located in downtown, near BYU and other selected high-density areas. The
uses typically permitted are apartments and condos. Symbol:
Value: MU Label: MU Description: Mixed-Use Zone (Chapter 14.14D): Mixed-use development combines two or more types of land use. The MU zone is established to provide a high-quality urban development that is pedestrian-friendly and complementary to the surrounding area. Symbol:
Value: NMU Label: NMU Description: Neighborhood Mixed-Use (Chapter 14.14D): Mixed-use development combines two or more types of land use.
The NMU zone is established to provide a neighborhood center that respects the single-family residential character and can offer a range of uses. Symbol:
Value: RM Label: RM Description: Mobile Home Residential Zone (Chapter 14.15): A zone to provide a residential environment for the accommodation of manufactured homes and modular housing units, Density of 5-7 units per acre located on arterial or collector streets.
Value: RC Label: RC Description: Residential Conservation Zone (Chapter 14.32): A zone to encourage conservation of existing housing by limiting the use of a given lot or parcel to the legal use existing. Project redevelopment is encouraged through use of the PRO zone. Symbol:
Value: CA Label: CA Description: Automotive Commercial (Chapter 14.25): The CA zone is established to provide an area which will promote a mix of new car dealerships, automotive accessory shops, automotive repair facilities, and establishments to support primary automotive uses. Symbol:
Value: CG Label: CG Description: General Commercial Zone (Chapter 14.22): The CG
Zone provides a district for commercial uses and commercial areas which have been established in locations away from the central core of the City and not within shopping centers of integrated design. Symbol:
Value: PO Label: PO Description: Professional Office Zone (Chapter 14.16): The PO zone provides locations beyond the central area of the City, primarily along arterial or major collector streets which will accommodate offices for doctors, dentists, accountants, and other similar professions. Symbol:
Value: CM Label: CM Description: Heavy Commercial Zone (Chapter 14.24): The CM zone is a transitional zone between industrial areas and residential areas and/or lighter commercial districts. It provides a mixture of retail commercial, warehousing, heavy commercial, & Lt. manufacturing. Symbol:
Value: SC1 Label: SC1 Description: Neighborhood Shopping Center (Chapter 14.18): The SC1 zone is established to provide an area in which the primary use of the land is for commercial and service uses to serve the daily convenience needs of the surrounding residential neighborhood. Symbol:
Value: SC2 Label: SC2 Description: Community Shopping Center (Chapter 14.19): The SC2 zone is established to provide an area in which a general shopping center facility can be established
to satisfy the specialty shopping needs of a community or a group of neighborhoods. Symbol:
Value: SC3 Label: SC3 Description: Regional Shopping Center (Chapter 14.20): The SC3
zone provides an area in which the primary use of the land is for commercial and service uses to serve needs of people living in an entire region. It is located close to freeways & major arterials for easy access. Symbol:
Value: SC3-1 Label: SC3 Description: Regional Shopping Center (Chapter 14.20): The SC3
zone provides an area in which the primary use of the land is for commercial and service uses to serve needs of people living in an entire region. It is located close to freeways & major arterials for easy access. Symbol:
Value: SSC Label: SSC Description: Specialty Support Commercial Zone (Chapter 14.47): The SSC zone provides areas for limited commercial activities, such as convenience retail and service businesses, in planned residential, retirement, office park, or research park mixed use developments. Symbol:
Value: M1 Label: M1 Description: Light Manufacturing Zone (Chapter 14.27): The M1 zone provides areas for light manufacturing firms for
processing, assembling, manufacturing, warehousing,
and storage; and for incidental service facilities and public facilities to serve the manufacturing area. Symbol:
Value: M2 Label: M2 Description: Heavy Manufacturing Zone (Chapter 14.28): The M2
zone provides areas where heavy industrial, manufacturing, and extractive uses may be located in an environment which protects them from the encroachment of commercial and residential uses.
Value: FI Label: FI Description: Freeway Industrial Zone (Chapter 14.27A): The FI zone is for locations along I-15. It provides flexibility
of land uses and areas where clean, non-polluting industrial and manufacturing uses may be located without encouraging traffic through residential areas. Symbol:
Value: MP Label: MP Description: Manufacturing Park Zone (Chapter 14.26): The MP zone provides an area more restrictive than a conventional manufacturing zone, but conducive to the establishment of quality laboratory, processing, & light manufacturing uses in a park-like setting. Symbol:
Value: PIC Label: PIC Description: Planned Industrial Commercial Zone (Chapter 14.29):
The PIC zone provides an exclusive environment for quality research laboratories (non-polluting light manufacturing uses), commercial uses, and professional office uses in a park-like setting. Symbol:
Value: RBP Label: RBP Description: Research and Business Park Zone (Chapter 14.44):
The RBP zone provides area for offices, research & development institutions, and specialized light manufacturing. This zone requires architectural and
landscaping excellence, & non-polluting activities. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A19 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A18 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R13 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R14 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-B15 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A17 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A16 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A10 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A11 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A2 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A5 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A6 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A7 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A8 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R1 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R3 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R4 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R9 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A12 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A20 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R24 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R23 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R22 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R25 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R26 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R27 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R29 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R28 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R30 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R33 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R31 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R32 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-R34 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A21 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A35 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A36 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A38 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PRO-A37 Label: PRO Description: Project Redevelopment Option (Chapter 14.50): The
PRO zone permits initiative and flexibility in creating
a well-planned, architecturally-appealing development. The intent is to encourage creative developments that utilize land efficiently and harmonize with the past. Symbol:
Value: PF Label: PF Description: Public Facilities Zone (Chapter 14.17): Areas of a
min. 10,000 sq ft for the establishment of facilities which are maintained in public and quasi-public ownership, i.e., schools, universities, hospitals, parks and recreation, utilities etc. Symbol:
Value: TF Label: TF Description: Training Facilities Zone (Chapter 14.17C): A zone applying to privately owned lands operated for educational, training and/or religious instruction where patrons reside on a short-term basis. Typical uses include dormitory and support facilities.
Value: HCF Label: HCF Description: Health Care Facilities Zone (Chapter 14.17B): Zone established to provide areas for location of facilities that provide healthcare services and which utilize relatively large areas of land. Typical uses: hospitals,
physician/dental offices, medical centers, rehab, etc.
Value: OSPR Label: OSPR Description: Open Space, Preservation & Recreation (Chapter 14.33):
protects public lands for outdoor recreation, education, scenic and visual enjoyment. Applied to lands such as parks, trails and protected lands in order to protect & preserve for
future generations as open space & recreation for the public. Symbol:
Value: ITOD Label: ITOD Description: Interim Transit Oriented Development Zone
(Chapter 14.23): Established to provide interim zoning measures while more comprehensive transit
oriented development plans and ordinances are
formulated for the planned intermodal hub area. Symbol: