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Legend (DevServ/ParkingCitationsCurrentMonth)

Parking Citations Current Month (3)
Fire Lane Violation, 15' of Fire Hydrant, etc. Fire Lane Violation, 15' of Fire Hydrant, etc.
Disability Space Violation Disability Space Violation
Registration/Plate Violation Registration/Plate Violation
Within Intersection, 20' of Crosswalk, etc. Within Intersection, 20' of Crosswalk, etc.
Time Restriction Time Restriction
Failure to Obey Posted Signs Failure to Obey Posted Signs
Permit Violation Permit Violation
Unattended Vehicle Unattended Vehicle
Parked Facing Traffic Parked Facing Traffic
On or Over Sidewalk, etc. On or Over Sidewalk, etc.
Blocking a Driveway, etc. Blocking a Driveway, etc.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
<all other values> <all other values>
Parking Citations Current Month (1)
Fire Lane Violation, 15' of Fire Hydrant, etc. Fire Lane Violation, 15' of Fire Hydrant, etc.
Disability Space Violation Disability Space Violation
Registration/Plate Violation Registration/Plate Violation
Within Intersection, 20' of Crosswalk, etc. Within Intersection, 20' of Crosswalk, etc.
Time Restriction Time Restriction
Failure to Obey Posted Signs Failure to Obey Posted Signs
Permit Violation Permit Violation
Unattended Vehicle Unattended Vehicle
Parked Facing Traffic Parked Facing Traffic
On or Over Sidewalk, etc. On or Over Sidewalk, etc.
Blocking a Driveway, etc. Blocking a Driveway, etc.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
<all other values> <all other values>
Neighborhoods (2)